Thursday, 24 February 2011

Cycle 2, week 3 update

Bench 5/3/1 day yesterday. 125 for 6. Not too pleased with that but still moving forward.
Deadlifted today 5/3/1, top set got 190kg for 10. Felt strong. Followed this with banded box squats and achieved much better loading of the hamstrings and glutes as well as taking the box down to a lower depth. Managed to really lock in tight and keep a tight arch in the back and pushed the hips right back so the lower leg was past vertical. Those who have done box squats properly will know what this means.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Squat day

Cycle 2, week 3, day 1, squat day, top set 182.5kg x 10reps. Great start to the week and rounds off a great cycle for the squat.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Cycle 2, week 2, day 3 (deadlifts)

Deadlifted today, 180kg was top weight, 3 was the target, ended up getting 13reps. Very successful month so far

Equipment coming soon...

Currently pricing up some atlas stones and planning out the construction of a power-rack platform to lift them onto. The atlas stones will make a nice addition to the current strongman kit here at the gym (steel log, farmers walk handles, duck walk, heavy tyres, super yoke, sandbags, kegs, dragging sled and the two prowler sleds)

Also coming soon:

Football Bar
More sandbags
Another utility bench
A second trap bar (narrower basic kind)
More heavy duty flooring mats so provide even more lifting space

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Cycle 2 week 2 squat day

3 was the target today on our top set of squats and both myself and Graham managed to exceed the target comfortably with myself getting 14 reps @ 172.5kg, and Graham getting 13 reps at the same weight. Now thinking of increasing by 5kg for next cycle as opposed to just 2.5kg. Don't want to get ahead of myself but feel this is the sensible choice. Noticing an increase in lean muscle mass, large reduction in bodyfat and I am eating like a horse at every opportunity.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Priscilla and Peaches

'Priscilla' and 'Peaches' just hanging out

9.24am Tuesday 8th Feb

Morning's jobs completed.  Off to the gym to Bench. Feeling strong.  Busy day today

Monday, 7 February 2011

2nd cycle of 5/3/1, week 1, day 1

Squats 5's day of 2nd cycle. Nice start to the week smashing my target of 5 reps @ 162.5kg by getting 17reps on top set

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Picture from Saturday

Setting up equipment for a Saturday Strongman Session

Sun 6th Feb

Absolutely shattered. But succeeded on getting all this weekends tasks done. Always love the feeling of ticking that last checkbox off my to do list. Programmes written and research done. Off to bed to get a good nights sleep before tomorrow's squat session

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Saturday Strongman Training

Very few turned out today, but meant the faithful few could work on technique and focus on their own training. Prowler sled work was the finisher, and the main session included a lot of work on the battling ropes, HASD's, heavy sandbag lifts (over the yoke) and some sled rope hand over hand hauls. We also did a seated rope 25yrd car pull with a 4x4. Proved too easy. We need bigger vehicles to move next time

Farnham Knights Strongman Training photos

Monday Morning Circuits

Fixing your weaknesses

5/3/1 and checking your ego

The importance of grip training

The effects of alcohol on training

Staying injury free this season